


We offer coating services for new parts and for repairs. If the coating needs to be reworked, this is usually done by the customer.

Our services:

  • Advice on coating material and process selection
  • Application and process development
  • Production of test components
  • Coatings for new parts
  • Repair coatings
  • Coating examinations
    • Physical
    • Chemical
    • Metallographic
    • Destructive
    • Non-destructive

Brazing and Coating Service

  • Coating matrix comprising of nickel or cobalt. Matrix hardening depending on the application 20-65 HRC
  • Additional deposits of tungsten- or chromium carbide up to 80 %
  • Deposits of other hard materials possible
  • Adaptation of carbide morphology to the particular application possible
  • Coating thickness up to 10 mm
  • Exterior and interior coatings based on the assembly part geometry can be carried out
  • Local coating possible
  • Homogeneous and dense coating structures with high adhesion to the base material
  • Shipping of complete assembly parts possible

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